Hi all! As most of you know, working out is a STRUGGLE for me. To say the least! Especially after having Remi, I am still trying to figure out when the best time to shower and clean the house is, let alone squeeze a workout in. I love that there are so many “work out at home” options these days, so you don’t have to go anywhere, and you don’t need any fancy equipment. I was recently introduced to the BodyBoss Method. What it is is a Fitness Guide you follow…you workout 3 days a week, for 24 active minutes, and the program is 12 weeks. BodyBoss workouts include fun and challenging high intensity workouts. You may have heard of HIIT before, high intensity interval training, these circuits are key for maximum fat burning and power. They also have made a bonus 4 week pre-training program, which is so nice for people like me who are intimidated or not in shape to just jump right in!
Remi’s Nursery Reveal
Well everyone, here it is! Remi’s room is still a work in progress, and at 4 months old, she still isn’t sleeping in there yet. Oh well! Seeing how Saylor never had a “real” nursery (we were in an apartment), I was excited to give Remi her own cute little space. I love girly, classic things and I think that shows in her room. I also wanted to find pieces that I could use for years, and possibly in other rooms down the road, not just as nursery decor.
Let Love Grow sign from August and April, floral headpiece from Mason & Harlow, moccs from Freshly Picked, crib sheet from Copper Pearl, crib from Wayfair, pouf from Target, and gorgeous wallpaper from Milton & King.
Room and Remi Update with Serena & Lily
Hi all! I thought I would pop on here to document a little about Remi, as she turns 3 months on Thursday! I also wanted to showcase this beautiful jute rug from Serena & Lily. I am ultimately going to use it in Remi’s room…but I ended up ordering a new crib for her so that won’t be ready for another few weeks. I decided to put it in Saylor’s room for the time being, and it is going to be hard to move it out, haha…I love it!
Cute Remi is starting to fill out. It is funny having a long, skinny baby because Saylor was always so chubby! The last week or so she has been a little bit easier, and if you have been following us, you know that she has been a hard baby! She naps fairly well during the day, but during the night she wakes up every 2-3 hours. Yikes. She is a great nurser and is getting super smiley and discovering new noises and sounds.
Olive Green Goodness
Happy Thursday, everyone! This week has been so long and very eventful, I am glad it is almost over. We decided to buy a new couch, sell our old one and a couple of chairs, have a backsplash put up & a new light fixture in our dining room…all spur of the moment decisions, and all while Remi has been not sleeping and fussy. I’m starting to wonder if she is a little colicky, but that is a post for another day.
The weather has been SO hot and humid here lately, so honestly I haven’t been going out much! It doesn’t help that Remi hates her carseat, and I don’t shower 50% of the time…haha #momlife. When it isn’t too hot, we like to go on a little walk around the neighborhood. I actually think Remi enjoys the warm weather and that it relaxes her.
Getting Back Into Shape with Flex Society
…maybe. Hahah.
Okay hear me out. I know I have said time and time again that I am going to start working out and get back into shape, but this time I really am holding myself to it! I think for my sanity alone, I need to “just do it” (no pun intended). I don’t know when I lost my affinity for working out, but I suppose it was sometime between the ages of 21-24. So a long, long time ago! Growing up I was so active and athletic, and I even feel like I’m so uncoordinated now. I don’t know what the heck happened, but it is going to change! And I want/need you to help hold me acocuntable.
As a new mom again, I’m learning about all sorts of new baby companies. Companies with products I had no idea that I needed. You NEED so much stuff as a Mom! If you are nursing or have nursed before, you understand me when I say that I worry if my baby is getting enough. With Saylor, I took measures to ensure I was (over) producing, because I didn’t want to starve my baby! This time around I understand my body a little bit better, but how are you ever sure that your baby is getting enough?
On The Night You Were Born
As Remi gets close to 2 weeks old, I figured I better sit down and write out her birth story before #mombrain enters full effect. It seems so long ago already, and I can’t believe it has already came and went. I was beyond ready to not be pregnant, and I still can’t believe that I am not anymore! This post is for my own documenting purposes, and I hope that I don’t upset or offend anyone with my story.
So, rewind to about a month ago at my 38 week appointment. I was 3cm dilated and DONE. So uncomfortable, not sleeping, swollen, just ready to have this baby. I asked the midwife casually how long they would let me go over before they would induce me, and she says, “Oh…you have rights you know. Since this isn’t your first baby we can induce you a week early if you would like.” SAY WHAT?! That was music to my ears and just what I wanted to hear. I told her I would talk to my husband and see what he thought, and possibly even pick a day to be induced! What a dream! Lol. So I call Troy and we decide on Thursday, May 25th. That’s a good date. My half birthday, even. So they call me the night before and let me know that I am “on call” (whatever that means) until 10am, and if I don’t hear from them by then to call the hospital. 9:30am rolls around and I get the call! Be here at 10:30! It still didn’t feel real, even as we were walking up to the hospital it didn’t seem real that I was going to have a baby soon.
Afternoon Fun!
{Thank you Jane for sponsoring this post!}
Have you guys heard of jane.com? It is a daily deal site where you can score some really awesome things for such a good price! I’ve been a customer for years, and I’m excited to share what I love about them with you. Jane offers daily deals that run for only 72 hours and can be up to 80% off. I love that they continuously have new products and if you snooze, you lose! I have purchased all sorts of things from them…clothing, stuff for Saylor, bath and home items…you name it, they probably carry it or will at some point. Today Saylor and I spent time outside playing with these little pebble things that grow when you place them in water. I don’t even know what they are called, haha, but I’m sure you know what I am talking about.
Belly Armor Blanket
Today I am excited to share with you a product I discovered while I was pregnant…and I so wish I had discovered it before! Belly Armor carries products that shield against everyday radiation, with up to 99.9% effectiveness. That is incredible! I know I am not the only pregnant lady who sits with her laptop propped up on her belly. When using a Belly Blanket, mom and baby are protected from non-ionizing radiation that can potentially be harmful.
Belly Armor has partnered with Healthy Child Healthy World to help address public health issues that affect our children, and empower parents in protecting their children from harmful environmental hazards. For every Healthy Child Blanket sold (pictured), $10 will be donated to the non-profit organization Healthy Child Healthy World. These products are safe from toxic chemicals, common allergens, heavy metals, and are completely 100% safe to use during pregnancy!
Hatch Baby Rest
If you are like me, you need white noise to sleep. Troy and I have to have a fan going all night long, or we (I) can’t sleep! I don’t know if it was smart or not, but we passed our white noise necessity down to Saylor. She sleeps with a fan as well, or whatever app we can come up with if we are traveling. When I discovered the Hatch Baby Rest, I knew I would love it! It is sleek and innovative, and has a lot more functions than the fan we have been using. What I loved even more about it, is that there is an app you can use to set a timer for it, control the volume and colors…pretty much anything. And it is all customizable. Totally cool!