The Constant, Unavoidable Question…

…”Sooooo, when are you having another baby?”

<insert eye roll>  Am I right?

As I was sitting here minding my own business, watching Laguna Beach reruns for the umpteenth time, I get a random text from an old friend asking when I was going to give Saylor a sibling.  Seriously?!  No “Hi! How ya doing?!” first??!!  Shoot straight, why don’t ya?

I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked this since Saylor has been born.  She just turned 3! Give me a break!  One thing that I learned from becoming a mom is that what you thought and planned when you were younger, goes out the window.  2 year age gap sounds perfect right?  The thought of getting and being pregnant when Saylor was barely a year old soon became comical to me.  I couldn’t imagine!


Since when is it okay to just ask a woman if she is pregnant yet? Or when am I going to get pregnant? First, that is between my husband and myself, and secondly, what if I am trying to get pregnant?! What if it is something we are struggling with?!  DON’T ASK SOMEONE THOSE QUESTIONS!!  If they want to bring it up to you and talk about it to you, free game.

I’ve also had the typical concerns about having another baby. Will I love the next baby as much? Will I connect with it?  But it will take time away from Saylor.  Will she hate me/the baby?  What if I get so sick and can’t do anything with Say for MONTHS?  Why throw off our perfect relationship/schedule?  Everything is SO fun and easy right now!  What if I just don’t want another kid?!  Don’t call me selfish, I know you all have struggled with these as well!

Anyways…rant over 🙂 I am here to say once and for all, put it out in the universe that we are now trying for another baby.  We are excited and ready.  I’m nervous and scared!  I know everything will work out the way it is meant to, I just can’t help worrying a little bit!

I know this post was a bit of word vomit, and this is just coming from my experience and my life. I don’t ever mean to offend anyone or hurt any feelings, but I hope you guys can relate to me on some level and understand my feelings!




One thought on “The Constant, Unavoidable Question…

  1. dude I had all of the SAME concerns! for reals. and I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but almost all of those issues go away after you have the other one. for me, the transition to 2 was easier than 1 because #1 threw my whole WORLD upside down. the second time around, I was already a mom, had a schedule, etc, and so #2 just fit right in. you’ll learn how to balance everything and figure out what is the new normal. ahhh I can’t even wait to see your next one! I hope they are as fun and beautiful as saylor is! exciting!

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