The Constant, Unavoidable Question…

…”Sooooo, when are you having another baby?”

<insert eye roll>  Am I right?

As I was sitting here minding my own business, watching Laguna Beach reruns for the umpteenth time, I get a random text from an old friend asking when I was going to give Saylor a sibling.  Seriously?!  No “Hi! How ya doing?!” first??!!  Shoot straight, why don’t ya?

I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked this since Saylor has been born.  She just turned 3! Give me a break!  One thing that I learned from becoming a mom is that what you thought and planned when you were younger, goes out the window.  2 year age gap sounds perfect right?  The thought of getting and being pregnant when Saylor was barely a year old soon became comical to me.  I couldn’t imagine!



“You are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well…” -Jeffrey R. Holland

I’ve been feeling a little sentimental and sappy and full of love lately, mostly for and because of my Saylor. After all, she made me a mother, she is literally my heart outside of my body. It is something that no one can explain in the right words, but I know I am not alone in this feeling. I look at her and I can cry because of how much I love her and how much I want and hope for her. Motherhood is scary and overwhelming. It’s all-consuming and can keep you up at night. Sometimes you feel that you can’t do anything right. Please know that you are doing everything right. You are everything your children want and need. It is worth it, and I hope that you know YOU are worth it.