Purple Posie Designs

Hi! Guess what I realized today? That it’s been just over a year that I have been blogging here. I can’t believe it has been a year and I’ve had so much fun collaborating with companies and getting to know other bloggers.

Today I wanted to share with you Purple Posie Designs. They create beautiful handmade items such as keepsake journals and journal books. They are made with so much love and detail, and make a great gift. When I was younger I was into scrapbooking, and loved making things like these for different events in my life like high school graduation or Christmas one year. It is such a nice way to store and show your memories. They are very personal, and such an easy way to create and store your memories!


Late Night Ramblings…

You know what is terrible? Arizona in the summer. LOL…I know, I know but it is SO BEAUTIFUL in the winter! Before the year 2016 I would have said hands down I preferred the heat over the snow, but after living in Utah in the winter and Arizona in the summer, I choose SNOW! You literally can not take off enough clothes to try and get cool, but you can bundle up and make yourself warm. I don’t understand how people live here (AZ) willingly, haha.

Anyways, we only have about a week left here, then off to San Diego for a few days and then Bass Lake for a few days, a pit stop in Vegas to see my brand new first nephew(!!!), then HOME! I can’t wait! Summer sales with a family is hard, you guys. Especially when you just moved into your first pretty home. I can’t wait to get back to our routine, and Saylor starts preschool and dance class as soon as we get back. So much fun stuff!


These Are The Days

…that I never want to forget. We spent the afternoon outside at Grandma’s house, Saylor playing in her little pink plastic pool. It’s a warm day, there are lots of bugs, the neighbor has a huge great dane puppy that keeps coming over and scaring Say (lol), but we are together and that’s all I care about lately. Troy’s job has taken him away from us a lot this summer, and it’s hard not to get upset and annoyed about it. The summer is almost over, THANK GOODNESS, so we are all trying to be positive and just pound out these last few weeks! Props to all of those who do summer sales, it is not for the faint of heart!