Springtime at the Capitol

Hi guys! If you are a Utah local, I am assuming you have been to the Utah capitol building in downtown Salt Lake City in the springtime. Since we just moved here (in January), I was unaware that it was a THING.


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I was lucky enough to win a mini photoshoot with the amazing photographer Kenzie D. (@kennydawn on IG), and she told us to meet her on the north side of the capitol. Boy were we in for a treat! It was a beautiful day and the trees were in full bloom.


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It is funny to move somewhere where the downtown area is somewhere you actually want to go and hang out, and not feel creeped out or scared the whole time you are there (read, downtown LA). Here are a few snapshots from the day, professional & not.



If you live in Utah, I highly recommend spending a little time walking around the capitol building and exploring downtown Salt Lake City! Let me know your favorite spots down there!




My dress (Love Winnie James)

Saylor’s dress (old H&M, similar here)

Troy’s shirt (old Old Navy, similar here)