Safe Sleep with Halo

Does anyone else’s kid love to be swaddled? Remi will not sleep without being all wrapped up tight. Otherwise her arms always flail around and she’ll wake herself up, it is pretty funny.  Saylor never liked being swaddled, so I have been on the hunt for the perfect swaddle that keeps Remi tight and that she can’t escape out of!

What I love about this Halo Sleepsack Swaddle is that you can swaddle them 3 different ways. As your baby grows, so does this swaddle. It is a soft, breathable material and comes in super cute patterns. I also love that it zips from the bottom up, so you don’t have to unswaddle them completely for diaper changes! I appreciate that Halo is passionate about Safe Sleep situations, and tries to educate us. Their swaddles are made so our babes don’t need any extra blankets…it really gives me peace of mind that Remi is comfortable, warm enough, and not needing anything extra! We need to do our very best to keep our littles safe, and that can start from where and how they sleep. You can find out more about sleep safety HERE.


Halo also makes sleep sacks for older kids…and Saylor loves hers! To be honest, I would love one for myself haha. It basically is like a big blanket that you can’t kick off at night. It is such nice material, and you can either tuck their feet in, or keep them out. Saylor has THIS one.

If your baby loves being swaddled, I recommend trying out Halo! What has been your experience with them and their products if you have tried them? Let me know!

